Goodbye Washington Cathedral App!

We are saying goodbye to our Washington Cathedral App as we move away from the Subsplash platform, who makes our app, and handles giving. We are switching to Planning Center Online which delivers better for us in the long run. We know some of you use our app regularly for a few things, and we’d like to give you some alternatives to work with.

For one, the Bible. We know a lot of you read along during the sermon with your bible through the Washington Cathedral App, but we recommend you check out Bible made by Life.Church on the App Store. It’s free and contains many translations of the Bible for you to choose from.

If you Give from the app, you can now give from your phone either on our website by clicking give at the top of this page, or through the church center app called “Church Center” on the App Store. You can find more detailed instructions by clicking here

Church Center will soon also give you the opportunity to sign up for events, get connected with our staff, and stay in touch with your small groups, right through Church center, but more is to come about this soon.

Goodbye Washington Cathedral App and hello to Church Center!