Washington Cathedral

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God did it again!

by Pastor Tim White

All my life I have lived astonished by Gods gracious love, having seen so many miracles. We always get a miracle; it just may not be the one we are asking for, but God is working.

I can’t tell you the burden I have been carrying the last several years. Years ago, as our construction project was coming near its completion, the manager came in to tell us that the cost of completion was going to increase by another $3 million and we needed it in within 30 days. After much prayer, we came up with a plan to do a private bond offering of $3.3 million. The congregation had already given sacrificially, and we had borrowed to our max to meet past price over runs just to get where we were. Miraculously, within 30 days, we sold 5, 10, and 15-year bonds to fund the project completion. Our hope was always to pay those off early because if we waited to the maturity date of these bonds, with interest the bonds would more than double in what we would owe the bondholders. When we were forced to sell the property, we were able to pay off all the 5- & 10-years bonds from the sale of the property, but we were left with a portion of the 15-year bonds. I had personally guaranteed to repay those bonds. I knew God have provided us with a fantastic lease at the sale of the property and he would help us find a way to eliminate all of our debt. If I were to tell you the fears, threats, guilt trips that were put on me over that debt for the last several years you wouldn’t believe it. Most people did not want to hear about this debt and many thought of it as my debt.

A few heroes of the faith had the same burning desire that I did to eliminate the debt and with their help, over the past couple of years, we have made great strides in paying down the debt. Well, I am so happy to report that on New Year’s Eve day I received a call that another miracle was in the making. We had received year-end gifts from some individuals equaling enough money to totally eliminate our debt. Our finance team is in the process of transferring the funds to Herring Bank, the Trustee of the bonds. Once the bank gives the required notification of early pay-off to the bondholders, those bonds will be totally retired, and the church will be totally debt free.

I feel born again as I begin the 2020’s. I feel that my new series is truly God anointed – “The Best is Yet to Come - A 2020 vision.” How will it change your life if you are fortified by the Biblical idea that God is just getting started in your life? That is a 2020 vision. So, join me this weekend as I have the honor and the assignment to blow our minds with this powerful truth. We are starting this series in Acts 2.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

PS: God is not finished with us yet.