Washington Cathedral

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Limits — Hindrance or Help

By Rhonda Jones

During these Covid times we’ve had many limitations placed upon us: the wearing of a mask in public, washing our hands more frequently, having our temperature taken before entering the doctors’ office or some businesses and restaurants, being forced to work from home, the inability to visit our loved ones who may have contracted the virus and are forced into isolation because of it….I could go on and on. But the one limitation that feels the most invasive at this Holiday Season is the limit of social gatherings…being asked not to be with our loved ones or gather for Christmas services during this most memorable and special time of year.

But aren’t most limits put in place to help us obtain a semblance of some balance in our lives? Aren’t limits good for us? We can fight against limits-but that usually ends up most of the time to our own detriment. The Apostle Paul was limited. In fact, he had asked God specifically in 2 Corinthians 12:9 to remove his limitation. But God answered Him with these words that are full of God’s love: “My grace is sufficient for you. For My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore (Paul states), I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses (or limits) so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Maybe some of you are dealing with physical limitations. I had surgery in late August to repair a torn rotator cuff on my left shoulder. Now shoulders are tough to heal…they take months of rehab and usually a year to complete the healing process (I know this because I tore my right rotator cuff 3 years ago and had to have that repaired first). My physical Therapy was going along very nicely until one day recently in October I reached forward and caught myself from falling and felt a little give in my left shoulder. Ever since then my shoulder has decided it wants to stop progressing-it is limiting my use once again. It has limited the length and time I can use my arm freely without pain. But my body knows when I’ve had enough and carefully reminds me through pain that I need to stop my activities for the day. Pain is a reminder I’m pushing my limits.

These Covid times have also limited one of the greatest joys of my life-and that is leading the choir at Washington Cathedral. I miss the moments of hearing their voices soar together in God’s beauty and grace as they proclaim His glory to those gathering for worship. I miss our weekly congregational greeting as we share a quick moment of love with each other before the service begins. But I am so grateful to have experienced the love we have at Washington Cathedral with each other…it is a powerful love from God that unites us as family, especially during these Covid times.

This Sunday, November 22nd, Pastor Rey Diaz will be sharing about how limits force us to lean into God-to trust Him with areas that are beyond our control. Be sure to grab your journal or iPad and join us on Facebook Live at 10:25am, YouTube Live, or our Washington Cathedral website or App. This message will enlighten your understanding in a healthy, new way. See you Sunday.