Washington Cathedral

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A Light to My Path

by Jared Gallardo

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

Whatever season we are in, God's Word is relevant. Whatever we need, it is all in there! The Bible is filled with stories of God befriending and guiding all sorts of people. God also promises life to everyone who trusts Him. Testimonies and promises are what make the Word so magnetic. Testimonies are emboldening because we can read about God saving people just like us. Promises are crucial too. We rest easy when we trust that God always has our back.

Luckily for us, God doesn’t reserve hope and strength for only good days. Even when we’re smack dab in the middle of searing pain, God’s Word gives us hope (Psalm 119:50). God ALWAYS shows up. Whether we have a bad day or decade, it doesn’t matter. God continues to love. God is more faithful than we could ever imagine. Not only is he mindful of our journeys, he also weaves generations of stories together.

Psalm 119:90 recounts that God’s “faithfulness endures to all generations.” If we are willing to submit our lives to God, the ripple effect influences others for lifetimes to come. When I was 17, I gave God leadership over my life, and at the time, I was the only Christian in my family. Since then, God has undergone heavy-duty construction in my family, restoring relationships and healing wounds. Can you believe that both of my parents now follow Jesus, and that my wife and I baptized one of them this year? In the moment it felt surreal, but looking back, it's obvious that God was simply working across generations...exactly like Psalm 119:90 says.

God is and always will be faithful. Let’s trust Him today.

With Gratitude,

Note: Pastor Tim will be sharing this Sunday on Psalm 119. Please join us for online worship at 10:30 am via our website (www.wacathedral.org), Facebook Live, You Tube Live or our Wacathedral App.