Washington Cathedral

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by Pastor Linda Skinner

A couple of days ago my phone rang and it was one of my dear friends calling me. I knew she was in the hospital and I’d been trying to call her for a couple of days to see how she is doing. So, when her name appeared on my phone screen, I was overjoyed to be able to talk to her and hear how she was doing. This lady is one of those people who always blesses you when you talk to her. She had been admitted to the hospital a few days earlier because of a nasty infection on her leg. She’s been a friend, prayer and ministry partner, and is one of the dearest people in my life. I had been praying for her and was so concerned that she had landed in the hospital, especially, with today’s challenges. I was looking forward to bringing words of encouragement to her.

We talked and she let me know that she was doing great. The medical staff was treating her, and she went on about how special they all were. Then she added how much she was really enjoying her time in the hospital. She said she was meeting so many new people and making friends. She said, “I know I’m right where God wants me to be right now.” After talking to her, I hung up the phone and thanked God for giving me the gift of a special friend. Someone who could help me look beyond my circumstances and find joy in whatever situation I find myself.

This week Pastor Tim is beginning a new series on Philippians entitled “This is the Day – Reasons to be Glad”. Philippians is one of the “Prison Letters” written by the Apostle Paul. “Prison Letter” because Paul writes it to the church at Philippi while he is in prison. In prison for the dastardly offense of preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. One might think Paul’s letter would be filled with anger and whining over why he’s locked up when he’s doing God’s work. But, Paul, like my friend, sees way beyond his circumstances and sees how God can use them to His glory. Paul’s letter is filled with encouragement for us to live a life filled with faith and joy despite our circumstances or our challenges.

I can’t wait to hear what God has laid on Pastor Tim’s heart to share with us this week. I hope you can join me. I want to learn to be a joy-finder and a joy-giver. How about you?


Pastor Linda

PS: All of our services are online right now due to COVID restrictions. You can join us at 10:30 am every Sunday on Facebook Live, YouTube Live, our WaCathedral App or on our website at www.wacathedral.org. If you can’t make it on Sunday morning, you can always catch it at a later time at the same places.