Washington Cathedral

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Sacred Love! Hey, Let’s Find your gift.

That line assumes that first you have a gift and second you have decided to discover it. 

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.   Ephesians 4:32

This passage in Ephesians Chapter 4, where one of the three gifts listed are in Scripture, points us to healing our relationships as part of discovering our gifts. Yes, gifts because you have more than one gift; you have a mix of gifts. But if we have problems with our team in the local church, we can’t discover or succeed in using our amazing gifts.  It’s hard to say you are a great Running Back or Shortstop if you’ve quit the team. Right?  So, this miracle of discovering your gift mix, learning more about your personality, needs to come alive as you are in healthy relationships with your fellow team members.  This is good news because God can heal relationships if we allow God to heal us, which is the way to an ongoing great team.

You see, “love’s gift is that everything it touches becomes sacred!”  In other words, where love really exists, it lasts forever as the Bible says in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.  God’s love helps us in the process of becoming holy.  The love we share is one of the most beautiful things in the universe because it was not selfish, it is from God. So, we can’t give up, we can only forgive and receive forgiveness thereby making us better and better as life continues on.  You are moving towards the best version of yourself as Jesus works inside of you.  And that’s where you discover your God-given giftedness.  It’s not happening if you are not giving and receiving Gods love.  But you are, so where are we gifted and how do those gifts work together?

Join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:30am either online with Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church Apps, or in person in our Sanctuary, and you will find out.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

 Pastor Tim White