Washington Cathedral

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Don't Miss God's Plans for Your Plans

by Pastor Tim White

He had great ambition. A young man was taking over his father’s dirt farm.  He wanted so much more than to follow his father and mother in a life of farming.  They had followed their parents in accepting the title American Farmer.  Maybe he could become a celebrity, a movie star, a comedian, or a musician that would lead him to a life of wealth and influence.  Better yet, he might build a business and discover his fortune.  Or easier yet he could discover a gold mine. 

So, he left his family, his new wife and tiny daughter to travel the world in search of his fortune. He went to the city and tried to start a business. Easier said than done.  He moved to Hollywood to try acting. But nothing. So, he moved to Nashville to try his musical talent. People laughed at him. So, he moved New York to try being a comedian and people stopped laughing.  Finally, he followed the gold rush and spent years searching until his hair was grey and his youth was gone.  “I quit!” he said, “I’m going home to see people that love me”. 

He returned to his poor dirt farm. Outside was his daughter who looked like his young wife.  His wife ran out to meet him. Her hair was grey, and her youth was gone but she was still beautiful.  His family, though deeply hurt, forgave him, and circled around him. He exclaimed “What happened?”  The old farmhouse was gone replaced with a regal mansion.  He looked around at the park-like setting of his farm. It was decorated with marble plaques saying thank you for your gift to the Children’s Hospital, to the orphanage, to the church, for the orchestra, to the different non-profits around the community. 

He questioned demandingly from his wife and daughter.  “What happened to the farm?”  They both told him, “Grandpa and the whole family tried hard to farm but there were so many rocks.  Then we discovered they weren’t rocks they were acres and acres of diamonds!”   He fell to his knees crying because he had never searched what he had before leaving to search for what he would never find.

 Inspired by my Grandpa White’s book: “Acres of Diamonds and a Barrel Full of Chuckles.”

Have you thanked God for the things he has given you? You might discover relationships that can’t be replaced and acres and acres of diamonds.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30am for our In Person service in the Sanctuary or online with Facebook Live, You Tube or the church Apps. I will be speaking from Psalm 27:13 on “Collateral Goodness.”

Your friend for the rest of my life,

 Pastor Tim White