Washington Cathedral

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When you were a child, you do something that all did.  Feeling that everything was mysterious we would operate on false expectations. Do you remember when hiding was easy? You just covered your eyes and no one could see you. And nobody should have a money problem as long as you had your piggy bank. There were enough coins in your piggy bank that you buy someone a house or vacation- it didn’t matter for you. Those types of false expectations stick with many of us through our lives.

One false expectation that sticks with people is what I call, "no time for reality".  We have so much stress in our lives that we believe that if we work our projects hard enough that we can perfect that project at the very first attempt at it.

This false expectation causes people to be stuck because after one or two failures it’s all over for them.  They give up because their false expectation led them to make a poor choice to give up.

Everything in life requires continual rebuilding.  When we send a human mission to land on  Mars we have to build, analyze and rebuild.  No one is going to develop one attempt, and then quit.  It has taken every mission since John Glenn orbited the earth in an aircraft to get as far as we have. But we’re not there yet.  So we plan on rebuilding our attempts continually until we get there.

And so it is in our church and our lives.  We need to constantly rebuild.  There is a book in the Bible on rebuilding and it is called Nehemiah.  We’re starting this series this Sunday. Why don’t you try it.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White