Thoughts that Heal
What if the Bible had some secrets that could fill you with peace of mind? Everyone knows that fear, anxiety, discouragement, frustration, and hostility are on the loose after Covid. But could it be possible that a book that goes back to the beginning stages of writing has relaxant passages that are not only great literature but have insights to the science of what makes up the human psyche in the 21st century?
Now add to that forgiveness of others and forgiveness which can even heal the guilt you feel leading to new confidence to tackle the personal struggle that we all face every day.
What if depression and other maladies which we all struggle against could be overcome by a community all committed to the healthiest principles a group of human could hold together.
This is my dream, and it has been since a young research psychology major with study in a master of counseling started a church in 1984 with his fun-loving, compassionate wife. Jackie and I were 29 and 28 in those days and the dream of a sanctuary of healthy families all seeking encouragement that only God could provide.
The dream burns brighter than ever. Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 either online or in-person. You will be encouraged- I promise you.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White