I want to share with you how you can be a fully devoted Christian without becoming a fanatic. Some of us are fanatics in everything we do. I say us because I have been an adrenaline junky all my life. I am amazed that God has been able to keep me alive. When I get to heaven there are going to be some tired angels showing me all the bumps and bruises they sustained keeping me alive. Whether I was golfing, skiing, mountain climbing, cliff diving or riding my motorcycle. I was blessed and lucky to be alive. How about you, can some of you relate? And when it comes to my faith in Jesus I can be a bit of a fanatic. And I think that fanaticism is not uncommon around the world.
I often hear the phrase in my reading which sounds something like a “fanatical terrorist”. I think that phrase is used to distinguish someone who is a religious terrorist, from a person who is not a terrorist. But don’t get the idea that I’m a terrorist Christian because I’m not. I am fanatical about Gods love, joy, peace. But I will sacrifice my health for the sake of even my health. When I am working on my comeback, my doctor tells me that I often injure myself by working too hard at my exercises. Are you getting my drift? Humanity has a tendency towards fanaticism we can be fanatical about shopping, working, hiking, and about anything else. I guess that we could be so fanatical about balance that we could miss an emergency priority.
This Sunday I am going to share what the scripture teaches about balance. It might be just the message that sets you free in this life we have been given.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White