Washington Cathedral

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Seeking a Magnificent God!

Recently, I have been amazed at the many ways God has shown to me His character, His love, His magnificence, His tenderness. I was sharing with my WOW group how God inspired me yet again in his magnificent ways the other night, when I was doing my before bedtime walk with Belle Bear, my sweet and feisty Cairn Terrier. She was frustrating me a bit, because it was a crispy cold night, and she wanted to sniff and explore, and I wanted her to get down to business so I could get back into the warm house. But instead of getting frustrated, I took a moment to look up at the night sky. What a picture! The dark sky sparkled with life – stars, planets, satellites, airplanes all sparkling for their creator. To the east a wispy fog bank reflected the lights of Redmond and Bellevue, adding to the beauty. I was as mesmerized at that moment with the sky as Belle was with the ground sniffing.

Everyday God displays for us how important we are to Him. Every day He gives us opportunities to see a glimpse of who He really is and who I am in His Kingdom. I’m inspired by King David’s words in Psalm 8. Stepping into those words:

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, the stars, which you have set in place, who am I that you are mindful of me and that care about me? You made me a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned me with glory and honor. You assign to me the task of caring for the work of your hands and everything and everyone that I encounter as I walk this planet. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Take some time look up, look around, look inside and seek out a God who delights in you. And delights in showing you how magnificent His creation is, and you are an integral part of that creation.

Join us for worship this Sunday. Learn more about God and about yourself.


Pastor Linda Skinner