Washington Cathedral

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Finding Christmas

by Pastor Linda Skinner

“When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord told us about.’  They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph.  And there was the baby, lying in a manger.  After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.  All who heard the shepherd’s story were astonished.”  Luke 2:15-18

Sometimes it is really hard to find Christmas. I’m suspecting that this year for some it might be even harder. Some people have found themselves suddenly out of work. Some have had to work at home in conditions that make work really hard. Some have been overwhelmed at work with the amount they are required to do. Everyone has been impacted by health concerns for themselves and/or their families and friends. It may or may not be Covid related, but it is made more difficult by Covid’s impact on the entire health care system. Some have had love one’s move on to be with Jesus. Some have had to postpone or limit the celebration of special events – birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings and even memorial or funeral services. All were hoping that by Christmas all of that would be behind us and we could begin to see some normalcy in our days. But it hasn’t happened. In some ways, it seems we’ve gone backwards.

But here we are and Christmas is almost here. I want to challenge you to look around and see if you can find Christmas. Everyday, I’ve asked God to show me Christmas. And He has. I think for me Christmas is even a bit sweeter this year than any other year just because I need it more than ever. Just like the shepherds, you may need to go searching for the baby in a manger. If you do, I know He’ll find you.

Last Sunday at Washington Cathedral we had the most amazing burst of Christmas. Our Christmas Drive-By Food & Toy Drive was a huge success. We gathered a trailer load and a pick-up load of food and a SUV load of toys. Our staff and helpers were all decked out as Santa and Santa’s Elves. Everyone had fun and it made it even more fun to know that we were helping bring Christmas to some people who were struggling right now. We even had a family pull in, just because they saw Santa Claus and their kids wanted to talk to Santa. Of course, Santa had some goodies for them, and they drove off saying Merry Christmas. It was kind of like a Food Drive/Santa Conspiracy all wrapped up in one package.

The topper of the whole season hasn’t happened yet. That is our Online Christmas Eve Service. This year our service will be streamed at 12 noon on December 24th. But, because of technology, it can be repeated or attended any time you desire. You can find it on our website (www.wacathedral.org) or Facebook Page, our YouTube Channel, or our WaCath App. (You can find more details on our website.)

The service is going to be so beautiful! The decorations are so beautiful this year! Leon Patillo and Carolee Mayne are guest musicians. Pastor Tim will be with us sharing a heart-warming Christmas message. “O Holy Night” complete with Ballerina and tiny cherubs will bring joy to your Christmas. And, of course, there will be lots of Christmas Music thanks to Eliot and Rhonda. We have to have “Silent Night” and candle lighting. So, make sure you have your candles and lighters at ready. You won’t want to miss it.

Don’t miss out. If you look, you will find Christmas right where it has always been.

Christmas blessings to all,

Pastor Linda