


The mention of the term self-control undoubtedly brings to mind different images for people depending on their particular circumstances. Many probably think of combating dominating habits that can range from the simple to the more complex and debilitating. It may be as simple as a poor diet or a tendency to overeat at Thanksgiving, or to talking too much. It may also be something far more serious like chain smoking, drunkenness, drug abuse, sexual sins (pornography and adultery), a quick temper, a pattern of exaggerating or lying, etc. Others may think of dealing with an abusive spouse, parent, or employer or of dealing with their own tendencies toward losing control and becoming abusive. Others need self-control because they are lazy or have poor work habits while others are workaholics and need self-control to back off and learn to relax. Regardless, self-control is very much an important part of maturity. One of the basic characteristics of infancy is a lack of self-control. Not only do babies need diapers, they must be carried because they lack the necessary control and muscle coordination to sit up much less walk or run. If a babies are healthy and normal, in time they will develop more and more self-control—a sure sign of growth and maturity.

Self-control means to be in control of one’s attitudes or thought processes, desires or passions, and patterns or habits so they do not dictate one’s behavior. The question we must ask ourselves, is are we asking and allowing the Holy Spirit to produce self-control within us?

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Rex

Give me patience and I want it now!


Patience_JoyceMeyerWritten by Fiona Monaghan But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful 23 and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind. Galatians 5:22-23

Patience…the next fruit of the spirit on our list. This is one trait that is much like that of silver, needing extreme heat to purify it. Or that of carbon needing extreme pressure to form diamonds; patience grows under duress and in the learning to hold steady.

“A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.” ― Henri J.M. Nouwen 

Foghorn LeghornThere are many quotes, poems and jokes about patience; but we all know is that it is not easily acquired. This is another fruit that is an outcome of an action that we have to exercise…that being TRUST. If we can be trusting God for the outcome in the difficulties in life, then what we do while we wait will produce either anxiety or patience. It is all in the process making…it is learning that something of value is never quickly acquired.

A visual that comes to my mind is that of a pearl being formed. Pearls start out as a speck of sand or grit that gets into an oyster and the irritation causes a liquid to be excreted to cover the offending irritant. Over time this form into a pearl - something of value. Bless me with patienceSo when life brings irritations to us, when we encounter those people who make us count to 10…imagine something precious being formed … something of value which will become part of our character and reputation. As stated in Proverbs 22:1 “Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.”

Photo credit: Quote, e-card, Fog Leghorn

Hurry Up and Wait!


Written by Pastor Rex Hamilton Music MachineWhen I was about 7 years old, I sang in the kids choir at my church. One year we did a concert called, The Music Machine. It was a popular musical production that sang about the Fruit of the Spirit. I can still remember every word to the song called, “Patience”...

“Have patience, have patience, don’t be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry...”. Funny how some songs just stick with you!

Such a simple (and cheesy) kids song, yet so true for all of us! Impatience with others, God, or ourselves almost always leads to worry and anxiety. If Paul’s words in Galatians 5:22 (NLT) are true that the Holy Spirit “PRODUCES” patience in us- our worry and anxiety will only stunt the Spirit’s work in us. Saying "don’t be impatient" is obviously easier said than done, but the next time you feel anxious or worried about something in your life, ask yourself if it is in any way connected with needing to be patient.

If it is, take a deep breath...whisper the name Jesus and remember the wise words of Winnie the Poo - “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”

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Take a deep breath of life


Written by Pastor Tim White Take a deep breath of life?  I have seen the first breath of life taken by a human being created by the almighty.  I have witnessed the last breath of this life taken by a loving person who loves so many.   I have observed a person stressed out and overwhelmed by problems stop and take a deep breath of life.

We were designed to live in peace in the midst of troubles.  Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace and in Greek it is eirene.  The Greek word means "join the prosperity of God".  In other words you can't do it alone- so don't - take a deep breath of life.

Moses said, “Be not afraid, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.” Exodus 14:13

You are never old, as long as you have a new dream!


Written by Pastor Tim White Every morning when I say “Jambo Jesus” or “Hello Jesus” – I recognize your presence, Jesus, I am struck by a new dream. Someone to call on, a ministry to launch, enthusiasm to work on a problem, excitement about spending time with someone I really care about. Every morning God makes life new.

Last week as I was speaking at our community meeting I explained how we are pouring ourselves into reaching the next generation for Jesus Christ and it is working. I explained that with Pastor Rex Hamilton as executive pastor assigned to reach young families; Pastor T.J. Meaney building praise teams to reach the young and not so young; Pastors Ben McCary and Josh Zappone reaching and engaging high schoolers and middle schoolers; Pastor Becca McCary connecting with 3rd through 5th graders; and Janette Backlund running her innovative programs to reach young children - that we have a great team.

Joel 2:28

Pastor Rey Diaz is accepting our call to be our global pastor and represent us around the world. We look forward to each time he returns, hearing him share his heart from the pulpit.

Then, someone asked me the question that has been asked before, “What about the not so young? What are we doing to reach those important people?” Well I am glad you asked. We have a young dynamic minister named Pastor Linda Skinner, a youthful Vietnam War vet named Pastor David Gerzsenye, an amazing pastor named Michael Fernandez, a talented and young musical genius named Rhonda Jones, a beautiful pastor named Jackie White (I can say that because she is my wife). All of them working hard to reaching this age.

The church also has little old me, who is about ready to explode with enthusiasm for life and the opportunity to dream big and beautiful dreams with Jesus Christ. That part of our team is not too shabby either. We are refreshing our ministries, launching our church anew and there is no shortage of excitement as we try and build a great caring network.

After the meeting, one of my heroes, Colonel Erskine Austin, came up to talk to me and said, “If Pastor Rex needs any advice or sounding board on being an executive pastor please let him know that I am there to help.” Erskine did that job for 10 years – and I smiled as I said, “That is a great encouragement.”

So we are off to the races and I feel like I have the butterflies of a quarterback getting ready for the greatest season of his life.

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