Washington Cathedral

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Powerful Peacemaking

by Pastor Tim White

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers”. Notice that doesn’t say blessed are the peacekeepers. Peace keeping is courageous and much needed in our day and age. But this is more active than that, we are called to be peace makers. Jesus is directing us to take a high road in the midst of frustration, strife and conflict.

DeSean Jackson made a mistake on social media for which he apologized later. He praised Adolf Hitler and his view of Jewish people. And in response there was a flood of commentary slamming the talented NFL wide receiver. The bashing of Jackson continued until it seemed it would never end. DeSean had said in his apology that his comment was naive, and he did not really understand what he was saying.

NFL wide receiver Julian Edelman stepped in and said that he would be glad to take DeSean Jackson to the Holocaust museum and they could discuss it in a conversation. Edelman said, “I have a lot I would like to learn and understand about DeSean Jackson’s story”. I have been to the Holocaust museum and that would be a breakthrough conversation for everyone.

Julian Edelman is a great wide receiver, just like DeSean Jackson, and he is the only Jewish American player in the NFL. At this time he is a peacemaker. Jesus is right, our world needs more peacemakers. I challenge you to be a peacemaker in your family, at work, in the church and in the marketplace. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White