Washington Cathedral

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Out of shame, and into “A Life of Freedom”

I think one of my favorite jokes is about the "Insecure Lion". He was raised in comparisons, shame, and guilt- so he just didn't possess freeing, liberating, confidence.

One day he was walking through the jungle and he saw a mouse. He ran up to it placing one paw over it and shouted, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The mouse was afraid for its life so it returned with the answer, "Why- you are- Mr. Lion, sir. You are The Royal King."

The lion said, "Well you got that right! You may continue on."

Then the insecure lion spotted an antelope bouncing through the jungle. The lion jumped- and tackled the antelope- and held his claws to the neck of the antelope. The antelope was shaking as it answered, "Why, you are, Your Royal Highness." The lion smiled, "Good, you may be on your way." So the lion smiled, holding his head high and proud.

Finally, the lion came face-to-face with a giant elephant on the path. The lion bellowed, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The massive elephant towered above the lion, and he didn’t give an answer. He just rocked back and forth on his padded feet- as if he were trying to think. He reached his trunk down and lifted up the lion while blasting his trumpet throughout the jungle. Then he slammed the lion on the ground. The lion got up feeling really ashamed and said to the elephant, "Just because you didn’t know the answer doesn’t mean you have to get so mad!"

One issue with religion that strikes discord for me is insecurity and shame. I think every religion has this element of incongruity, which surprises us from time-to-time.

Authentic faith in Jesus Christ is beautiful. It's freeing, bridge-building, peaceful, facilitates kindness, and its just... beautiful. It really is. Yet we see people burdened by guilt and shame. Individuals who are stressed out because they never quite measure up.

This week Pastor Mark Nsimbi is preaching from Galatians, chapter 5, on "Life of Freedom". What a liberating message for us to enjoy this week.

Join us at 10:30 Sunday morning in-person or online via Youtube, Facebook Live, or our church app.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White