Washington Cathedral

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Every once-in-a-while the same pastor we're used to suddenly changes right before our eyes. Some call it an anointing. That phrase refers to the ritual of anointing. The word "anointing" in Hebrew means literally, "to smear". If you have ever gotten a pie in the face then you have been anointed. When a person was anointed in the Old Testament, right before they became a king or a prophet they didn't just get a drop of olive oil- they got smeared with oil. Oil running down their face, dropping off, covered with oil. In the New Testament this referred to the Holy Spirit pouring over an individual. You might say, "They're on fire!".

Well I hope you make time to worship with us on line or in person because you will have the opportunity of seeing Pastor Mark on fire! When Jackie and I listened to Pastor Mark we applauded, and Jackie said, "I wish everyone in America could hear that message, Pastor Mark."

It is a privilege to take part in a pastor being anointed for a special message. To hear excitement in their voice and see fire in their heart. Please join us this Sunday at 10:30 at the Cathedral by the talks or join us online so you can feel the hope in his voice and accept the strength of the biblical message and join in a very anointed message.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White