Washington Cathedral

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The Lord’s Prayer teaches us to really live. I think all of us who read this blog are living? If you are reading this and you are not alive, then maybe you should check to see if you are in heaven! Forgive my weird sense of humor- but I'm trying to make a point. There is living- which everyone does- then, there is what I am going to call really living!

In our church Namuli, Violet, Owen, Nassali and Micah really live. Every time I am around those amazing kids their capacity to live just lifts my soul. Maybe that is why Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” I really can’t express how completely those kids are bringing renewal into my life and our church.

Jesus teaches us this powerful way of living through the Lord’s Prayer by describing how to reach out and pull towards the force of life every day. And how to deal with the drag which inhibits our capacity to really live.

I have the honor of teaching these principles this Sunday in my message on the Lord’s Prayer.

Won’t you join us and explore the pull toward real living versus the drag which holds so many back.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White