Washington Cathedral

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An Iron-Pillar Discipline

How to regain your strength by speeding up!

Pastor Mark and I are enjoying a sermon series on making room for God.  Spiritual Disciplines from the life of Jesus are the method for us to forge a life like Jesus in the midst of the modern complexities that we struggle with today.

When we get frenzied, we pick up our pace sometimes- dropping our efficiency.  And we need to make a lifestyle of slowing down so that God can catch up, as Pastor Mark puts it.  As they say, "slow is smooth and smooth is fast".

But in this world of post-Covid burnout, it seems the whole world is burned out and moving slow. Perhaps sometimes we need to catch up with God.  Not moving or being stuck on the non-moving treadmill that has trapped and fatigued so many, is just not effective at finding space where we can meet God. 

This demonstrates the wisdom of spiritual disciplines. We need to slow down- or find the strength to speed up- to display the effectiveness of God as we live our lives. God has an answer for every dilemma. 

This weekend I am going to tempt you with establishing an iron-pillar-discipline into your life: daily quiet time. 

What if you could invest 60 minutes of your time this week to acquire a habit for your life, that would help find the strength to speed up and the wisdom to slow down all to make room for God.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn something that will be a blessing to your loved ones for generations.

Join us at 10:30 am at our inspirational sanctuary or online at the same time on Sunday.  God is going to bless us this weekend.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White