Something we don’t think about often, but is so true, is the idea that what comes out of our mouths stems from what is in our hearts. And we are not talking about the physical heart, but rather the invisible part of you that poets and philosophers write about. You see, life is hard on the heart. The world lodges stuff in our heart that have no business being in there. And over time those things grow and grows until eventually they makes it way out. And usually the anger or guilt or greed or jealousy that has been in our hearts, when it comes out it wrecks havoc on all the relationships we are in.
Which is why above all else we need to guard our hearts. Everything we do flows from it. It is literally where life comes from. But how do we guard it? Hopefully you will follow along during the month of November as we teach habits that can help you guard your heart.
Based on a couple books (Renovation of the heart and Enemies of the heart) I have developed a list of questions I ask my children (and myself). Ask away.
- Is everything okay in your heart?
- Did someone hurt your feelings today?
- Did someone break a promise to you today?
- You mad at anybody?
- Are you waiting around for someone to come to you to make things right?
- Have you had any extended imaginary conversations with anybody lately?
- Do things come out of your mouth on a regular basis, that you have to apologize for? That embarrass you?
- Have you secretly celebrated someone failure in the past few days?
- Got any secrets eating at you?
- Anything going on you hope no one discovers?
- Is there is a question you hope no one ever ask you?
- Is there something you need to tell someone?
- Have you lied recently to someone you love?
- Are you worried about anything?
Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.