by Pastor Linda Skinner
What an amazing Christmas we had at Washington Cathedral. I don’t like to do reviews of worship services, but so many people told me how much they enjoyed the message, the music and the friendliness of our church. Crackles the camel was a huge hit and children of all ages enjoyed the camel rides. Santa and Mrs. Claus were busy posing with families for pictures at the Santa booth. The sheep, chickens and goats put on a great show. Cookies and hot cider were devoured with great enthusiasm by all. At 1:30 am when Rich & I drove home to our wonderfully comfortable bed, the moon shone through the clouds and we had to sing “O Come All Ye Faithful” along with the radio in the car.
I woke up Christmas morning still feeling a bit tired, but also looking forward to the day. It was Christmas morning, but more importantly it was a new day. I was reminded of what the prophet Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:22-23, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” God is faithful, and his love is greater than any stresses we have before us. We may be tired, but in him we find rest. Like the moon shining through the clouds in the wee hours of Christmas morning, God’s love shines through our lives.
This weekend we have some great services to help us celebrate the coming New Year. Pastor Josh has a great message entitled “Press the Red Button”. Learn how God helps us reset our lives not only in the New Year, but every day. Two of my favorite musicians, Carolee Mayne and her husband, Robert Watson, are here from L.A. to lead us in worship on Sunday. Pastor David is preparing another delicious breakfast.
Looking forward to celebrating with you this weekend.
Happy New Year and God’s Richest Blessings on your 2019,
Pastor Linda