by Pastor Linda Skinner
What did you do this week? I love all the stories of how people are coping with snow, ice, power outages, etc. Seems that the people who are making the most of this week are the ones who look for ways to make the most of the situation rather than bemoaning the unfortunate circumstances they are facing. Don’t get me wrong, I think we have all experienced a little bemoaning, especially if you lost power, slipped on ice, had trees fall on your house, or got stuck in a snow drift. However, it’s heartwarming to hear the stories of neighbors and friends helping one another. People enjoying the simpler things of life – making snow angels; neighborhood snowball fights; hot coco in front of the fire; a good book; family time; even community sidewalk shoveling. So many stories of people finding joy in the midst of the storm.
I’m reminded of the Psalmists words in Psalm 30:
4 Sing praises to the Lord, O you his faithful ones:
And give thanks to his holy name.
5 For his anger is but for a moment;
His favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may linger for the night,
But joy comes with the morning.
This Sunday Dr. Marty Folsom will be sharing the message on Does It Spark Joy? -- exploring how often we are “Surprised by Joy.” Please join us for a great weekend of worship and celebration.
May the Joy of the Lord sustain you through whatever storm you are facing.
Pastor Linda
(As I am writing this devotion on Thursday morning, the weather reports are looking promising for a rainy weekend, so we are planning on having all our services – Saturday night at 5:30, Pastor Michael will be sharing the message on “Surprised by Joy.” Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 am, Dr. Marty Folsom will be sharing. In case you are still stuck inside this Sunday, our 11:00 Service will be broadcast on Facebook Live. You can reach the broadcast by going to the Washington Cathedral Facebook Page.)