by Pastor Tim White
What an exciting time of year! Students and teachers are going back to school. Some preachers even going back to church. Football, soccer and cross-country participants getting back in the game. We were made to get in the game. It is the greatest hunger of humanity. Our lives were meant for an exciting purpose, but since life is not all about you, then we will be most fulfilled when we are using our gifts to help others. That is God’s way and we will never be happy until we get in the game.
I love Hebrews 12 which teaches us that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses so we should set aside every sin which would so easily beset us and run the race. Are you ready to quit being a spectator and become a participant in the great game of life?
Join me this weekend as we begin a new series on Hebrews as I get back into the great game.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White