Your Greatest Day?

by Pastor Tim White

Is it possible that the greatest day of your life is still ahead of you? Samson’s great days seemed to be over. There was the time that he defeated a whole army with his only weapon being the jaw-bone of a donkey. At that time of the Bronze Age, Israel was always complaining about the Bronze Age swords the Philistines had over them. So, Samson uses a jaw-bone for his weapon.

Samson had fallen into sin when tempted by Delilah. He was now a slave to the Philistines and being used to ridicule God. You would think his best day had passed ... right? Wrong! He prayed and God worked and as the Bible says he defeated more enemies in his last moment than he did during his whole life.

This week I will be sharing a sermon on “The Greatest Day of Your Life.” Please join me.

I felt like Samson when my surgeon called a couple days ago and gave Jackie and I the first good health news I’ve had in a year. I am infection free! And I get to have my new knee put back in my leg. Praise God and thank you for your prayers. After my sermon this week, Pastor Rey has agreed to preach a series while I heal from my knee surgery. God is good!!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White