by Pastor Linda Skinner
David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear and javelin,
but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies –
the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” 1 Samuel 17:45
Have you ever felt totally dissatisfied with where you are? I remember when I was young, I wanted to be older. Now I’m older and I want to be younger? When I was younger, I thought, “When I get older I’ll be wiser, I’ll make better decisions and I’ll have more time to do the things that are I really enjoy.” Now I look back with fond memories on all the days when my body was stronger, and my mind was sharper. I used to keep phone numbers, dates, and hundreds of names in my mind. Now, I have to have a watch that reminds me to stand, breathe and take my walks.
Pastors Tim and Jackie are on vacation in Hawaii, as we speak, and he asked if I would share the message with him this weekend. We are teaching on the story of David and Goliath. He’s speaking on Sunday and I’m speaking Saturday night. (Tim and Jackie fly in late Saturday night from Hawaii). As I was reflecting on the text, it struck me “David, the young teenager, was the one who took on the Giant. Other warriors were much more capable and had all the strength and training. David would have been for any of us the last choice to enter into that battle.” David had the faith to move beyond his physical capabilities and do what God placed on his heart to do. Who of us, would have taken up a sling shot as our weapon against that Giant? But a sling shot is what he had, and he knew how to use it – a sling shot and a mighty God behind him.
This morning God reminded me that despite my circumstances – my tricky knee, my overloaded brain, the arthritis in my back, my desk piled up with unfinished projects – he has provided me with everything I need – a watch to keep me on track, friends who step in help with the load, a good physical therapist to get my knee back in shape, on and on. Even better, I have a God that stands with me against any Giant that comes my way. You have that God, too. Join us this weekend and be inspired to embrace a new way of thinking when approaching the Giants in your life.
Many blessings on your day,
Pastor Linda