Refreshment Through the Psalms

by Pastor Tim White

Psalms Chapter One is the thesis statement for one of the greatest collections of human literature. “Blessed is the man who walks not in the council of the wicked.”  This Old Testament blessed statement needs some unpacking to understand its vitality in our lives today. First of all, it applies to both men and women. It is a generic statement from ancient culture that thinks of mankind as everybody. Any other interpretation misses how this phrase is used in the Semitic word group, or ancient near eastern languages. So most modern translations of the Bible understand this and put it in their translation.  The New Living Bible uses: 
Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked…

It’s obviously for everyone. But even more, the blessed phrase is a Hebrew word group. A word group in English would be “forget about it.”  It is a colloquial phrase that is so common that on the streets they become one word.  Blessed is the man (generic male or female). This phrase is picked up by Jesus and used in the Beatitudes. Blessed are you when…  Do you see how revolutionary this Psalms One was on its culture and following literary works? You will be happy when you are deliberate in your choice of who influences you.

There is so much here. Join us this Sunday as we study refreshment through the Psalms.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

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