God Is Faithful

by Rhonda Jones

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess; for He who has promised is faithful.”  Hebrews 10:23

When Pastor Linda asked the staff if anyone would be willing to write a blog on God’s faithfulness, my heart skipped a beat (God’s way of whispering in my ear) and I knew I had to try and share just a bit about how He’s been faithful to me.

I grew up in a ‘Christian’ home-my mom was the church soloist and my dad was the song leader and Sunday School Superintendent.  But at the age of 12 that all changed when my dad decided to leave our family.  That was a really difficult age for me…a young girl who desperately needed her father to help continue to build her self-esteem; it just didn’t happen.  I rebelled, but at 15 decided to give Jesus a chance, and boy, did He change me! 

God’s word became the structure to build my faith and get me through the road ahead.  It’s been a windy path with valleys and mountain paths to climb one step at a time.  I’m reminded of an old hymn: “When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word, what a glory He sheds on our way. When we do His good will He abides with us still-and for all who will trust and obey.”   Many of you know the path I’ve walked hasn’t been perfect…I’ve gone through a divorce and was a single parent for 15 years.  But looking back, He took me through each step; and even though I faltered at times, He kept calling, wooing me back with His ever-present love. 

I now have a faithful, loving husband, two adult men for children (where did the time go?) and help lead worship at our God-blessed church.  I’ve never been in a more loving church body than those of you at Washington Cathedral.  You are always there to bless and support me with prayer and love.  And I thank you!  Oh yes, God is faithful, even when we have a hard time understanding why we’re having to go through certain trials and don’t experience His presence the way we’d like, He is there closer than our breath.  And each time we come through a trial holding His hand, we are stronger, more blessed, and able to help those around us who need to experience His presence.  These have been dark times for us, family. But keep pressing forward-God sees everything, knows our heartaches and hears our deepest cries.  Praise Him for His faithfulness; praise Him for His goodness.  He will meet your needs.

Join us this Sunday, September 27th, 2020 at 10:30 an as guest Speaker Pastor Ron Wilbur shares about the Enduring Faith of God during unsettling times.  You can join us online through Facebook Live, You Tube Live, Washington Cathedra website or App.