A Family for Everyone

by Pastor Linda Skinner

“For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.  And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on the character of Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  Galatians 3:26-28

The early church was a place of diversity and a gathering of people who previously been divided.  Jews worshipped with Gentiles.  The slaves worshipped with the slave owners.  Men and women were invited to worship together.  Christ unified and did not divide.  In his prayer recorded in John 17 for future believers, Jesus says these words, “The same glory you gave me, I have given them, so they’ll be unified and together as we are – I in them and you in me.  Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, and give this godless world evidence that you’ve sent me and loved them in the same way you’ve love me.”  Can’t you just feel our Savior’s longing in those words?  He longs for us to open our hearts to be in community with one another.  Not that we are all the same, but that we, in all our differences, can be one in Him.

Philip Yancy in his book “Church, Why Bother?” puts it this way:

The Christian basis for community, the reconciling love of God, transcends all differences of nationality, race, class, age, and gender.  Our commonality comes first; the issues that divide us come later…. A family of God emerges, one in which unity does not mean uniformity and diversity does not mean division.

What I loved from the very first moment I entered into the Cafeteria at Lake Washington High School back in 1984, was Pastor Tim’s vision for this church.  A place for people of all back grounds, of all generations, of all political persuasions, of all ethnicities, and especially the unchurched.  The Lord God loves them all and our doors and arms are open to them all. 

Archbishop William Temple said that the church is “the only cooperative society in the world that exists for the benefits of its non-members.” 

As we approach Easter, the most Holy of Holiday’s in Christianity, let’s all ask God to show us how we can be a fulfillment of His vision for us – a community unified in love and beautiful in all our diversity.

May God Richly Bless You,

Pastor Linda

PS This Sunday Pastor Tim will be sharing a message “Band of Brother and Sisters”.  This is the last message of the series “Authentic Faith”.  You can worship with us online 10:30 am at Facebook Live, YouTube Live, WaCathedral App or our website.  Click Here to access any of those options.