The Meek are not Weak!

by Pastor Tim White

Everything Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount is counter intuitive. It is the opposite of what most of us would think is true. His statements are shocking. The humble will inherit heaven. Those who mourn will be happy. The meek will inherit the earth. It’s not what you would guess. And yet these statements are so life-giving that we would spend the rest of our lives pursuing them to continue to grow.

I loved coaching kid’s football. When I coached for the Kirkland Boys and Girls Club it was a blast. Each of these little kids were precious regardless of whether they played football in the future or not. One of my boys, who always fell down and cried, went on to be a Starter for the U of W and made it in the NFL. But every boy on those teams was a delight. I remember one kid was so big that he was intimidating to the other kids. I lined him up as a defensive end and he was extremely timid. So, I spoke to him showed him what to do and told him he was a big strong tough defensive end. In a little voice he replied, “No I’m not! I’m just a cute little guy in a big body.” Well that cute little guy was a strength in God’s economy. And that is tough to learn.

My wife Jackie has been working on me for years to not finish other people’s sentences. It is a bad habit as a parent, a husband, a Pastor and as a Christian. That is a tough one because it takes meekness to be that kind of person. Meekness was defined by Aristotle as power in control -- like a strong war horse that you can put a baby on its back and the baby is safe because it’s power is in control. We could all use another dose of meekness.

Won’t you join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 am as we look at what this means and how to live in it. Below is link that you can use to get to any of our online venues – Facebook Live, YouTube Live, our Website or our App.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

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