Let’s Stop Working Against Ourselves

By Pastor Tim White

I love to study the words of Jesus Christ.  He is my Hero!  I look up to a lot of people but compared to Jesus there is no example that is even in the same ballpark.  He is my Lord and Savior, he is my friend that sticks closer than a brother, he is my Rock and my Fortress, he is my Joy, he is my Way, my Truth and my Life. I could go on and on, but my point is, what a blessing it is to read his words. 

In the first chapter of Mark, the disciples wake up to find that Jesus was already awake and off praying alone. They go to find him (and to me it kind of seems like they want to join him) but Jesus says to them, “let’s go preach the good news because this is why I have come.” Several times in the Bible, Jesus makes a focusing decision by saying “I have come that you might have life in its fullness. I have come to this world to bring a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” The list goes on and on.

Jesus knew what the purpose of his life was, and he chooses not to get sidetracked working against himself.  You see, most people are their own worst enemy.  They want to build a great marriage, but they envision getting out of it instead. They love their children, but in the heat of the moment they don’t listen to them.  They are gifted in music, but they have never really practiced very much. They want to be a good friend but can’t help but talk behind the back of another.  The examples could go on and on. I’ve been my own worst enemy and I suggest that you have been also. So, it’s not money that is the obstacle, or critics, or lack of support that prevents us from doing what we have been born to do.  It is US that prevent us from being all we are meant to be.

Join me this Sunday at 10:30am (on Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church Apps) as we break out of this trap and take a giant leap to be a little more like Jesus.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White