By Pastor Tim White
Let’s learn to celebrate in the midst of life. I love the words of Jesus. They speak to our hearts right in the middle of whatever we are facing in life right now. In Mark 2:19-22, Jesus speaks our tendency to define religion in terms of just self-sacrifice, denying ourselves of the pleasures in life. People are wondering why John the Baptist’s followers are fasting and denying themselves while Jesus’ followers are having fun with his disciples.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30am to either the on-line service (You Tube, Facebook Live or
church Apps) or in-person in our Sanctuary at Spirit Falls. We will study the scriptures to better understand the point Jesus is making and how it might help us to better communicate with the people in our lives. The music is going to be wonderful, and the fellowship is always up lifting.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White