We Are Family
By Pastor Tim White
I can’t believe all the internet scamming in our present age. I have literally had to change our credit card twice in two weeks and three times in one month. Finally, my banker asked me, “Pastor White have you ever thought of yourself as overly trusting to the point of being gullible?“
I replied, “Yes, yes I have always understood that about myself.” She went on, “Well quit thinking you have won a free computer from Best Buy or Costco or anyone else. And no! you did not win $10,000 from the federal government, or $100,000 from some billionaire! My goodness gracious!!” I paused and replied, “Well what if I really do win something and I miss it.” Pause,
“Oh my Gosh! Well, I will talk to you next time then, “replied my new banker friend.
That’s kind of the way people have come to look at the words of Jesus where he says, “Who is my mother, my brothers? Those who do the will of God are my mother, brothers and sisters.”
Today so many scams have been done in the name of Jesus that people are giving up on the family of God. Especially with all the abuse that has taken place. Some counselors justifiably question whether that metaphor can be used in our day and age. And so many people have created a metaphor of the church as a business. For a long time, I tried to follow this emphasis in the modern church, as did many other pastors. After seeing leader after leader fall under this system, I withdrew my approval of this metaphor. There were too many people without the qualifications trying to lead churches because they had business experience. They would get in the way of thoughtful biblical leaders and hurt a lot of people along the way. For this metaphor exaggerated the weakness of American business culture. It’s “all about me” and the end justifying the means. In one generation it took the United States with church attendance at 80% of churches down to 40%. It all happened with the best intentions by very good people.
Throughout the Bible the church is called the family of God, not a multimillion-dollar corporation. Members are people with unique needs not statistics in corporate growth. Every human being has a need to be surrounded by a positive, loving, forgiving, and encouraging community and respected as a family member of that community. Yes, we need to watch out for abuse by sticking with accountability. And, as a whole, we need to institute better safeguards to protect us from these instances. But we need to be a team, a family of God and not some ego driven corporation where it’s all about each person’s need for power.
Join me this Sunday at 10:30am either at the in-person or on-line service (via You Tube, Facebook Live or Church Apps) as we catch the vision of the church as a healthy family of God.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White