By Pastor Tim White
A Father’s Strength
I don’t know about you, but when I think of Father’s Day, I think of something macho. I know that the definition of macho has diversified a lot since the 1980s when I was a young father. In a lot of our macho activities we find women joining us in and loving them … and why not? They are fun. Furthermore, we men are liberated and now macho means reading, research, scientific experimentation, art, handicrafts, plus sports, outdoor life, mechanics, carpentry, etc. Yes, Father’s Day is more about being a father, than trying to be macho.
But if ever there was a time for us to be Free to be Macho this should be the day. I am preaching on Father Abraham, and I know you will enjoy the message. The day will be a lot of fun with exciting activities. It’s a week to enjoy being a manly man and to remember our fathers. We have been blessed by a group of strong men who make this a safe place to create a sanctuary for everyone. Men like Erskine Austin, David Gerzsenye, and many more.
Won’t you join us this Sunday at 10:30am at the in-person service or online via You Tube, Facebook Live or the Church App. Following the in-person service we will have hotdogs and root beer floats, a time to enjoy and celebrate our fathers.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White