Fire From Heaven

By Pastor Tim White

This morning I woke up to find out that my hero from high school Fran Tarkington had asked me if we could connect. I was so inspired as I wore #10 just to imitate him. I finally settled down when I realized he probably has a social media manager and doesn’t even know that we connected.

We have been studying God’s All-Star Team in the Old Testament; Moses, Jacob, Joseph, David, Gideon, and Deborah. It is always inspiring to study the great women and men in scripture, and we see a little of ourselves in them. They have weaknesses that shock us and strengths that we can aspire to. I have had the privilege in my short life (it seems short to me) to meet most of my heroes and get to know them.
Dallas Willard, Bruce Larson, Elisabeth Elliot, Paul Yonggi Cho, Robert Schuller, Bart Star,
Deacon Jones, Johnny Unitas, John Madden, Don Shula, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Fulton Buntain, Steve Largent, Carl Sagan, Bill Gates, Jody Allen, John Templeton, Rabbi Levine, Dorothy Stimpson Bullitt, Nobel Laureate - Dr. E. Donell Thomas. etc.

This week we study the life of Elijah one of the great men who ever lived on this planet. We see his strengths and weaknesses. I’ve entitled my message Fire from Heaven: A Study of Miracles. Please join us on Sunday at 10:30am at either the in person at church or online (via You Tube, Facebook Live or the Church Apps) because you will be inspired in studying Jesus Christ by looking at the life of Elijah.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White