A Spark From Heaven

What a great time to be alive!

I am filled with such excitement as we prepare our pastoral staff for the coming year. October 2022 to October 2023. Is going to be an outstanding year in our lives. 

Pastor Mark and I are continuing the series, Rekindle The Fire Within You.  It’s my turn this week and we are studying Acts 1:1-9: a preview of the Holy Spirit’s work in Acts as well as your future. This week’s title is, “A Spark From Heaven”.

The spark of encouragement that you need is sent from heaven. The miracle-working love that you need to break through all the barriers facing you is from heaven.

When I was in college in the 1970’s, many of my friends were world class athletes who enjoyed R&B soul music. So the love song when Jackie and I fell in love was, “It’s Too Late to Turn Back Now”  by the Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose. And I love Marvin Gaye’s song which goes like this,

“Oh, heaven must have sent you from above

Oh, heaven must have sent your precious love (oh)

And I, I've got a song to sing (oh, darling)
Tellin' the world about the joy you bring (oh, sweet heart)
And you gave me a reason for livin' (oh, honey)
And ooh, you taught me, you taught me the meaning of givin”

There is a lot more to this love song, but the point is that in the gospel roots of Marvin Gaye comes from this idea that Heaven must have “sent your love”.

That’s true, and it’s a great lens to help us understand Acts 1:1-9. In a few days in Jerusalem you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings God’s work into our lives.  When someone sings, “heaven must have sent your love”, they are right.

Let’s open the window into your life from Heaven to let some fresh air and sunshine in and begin to do the work. I really think you are going to be blessed by the worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 AM either in-person at our Sanctuary in Redmond or online.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White