Hope is a Walking Dream

Stories live for a lifetime in our imagination. I still have episodes of the twilight zone embedded in my brain from childhood.  I also have stories from Sunday School embedded in my soul.  They have become a part of my values and the strength of my personality. Oh, how I pray that this generation of children receive a foundation in God’s word. Yes, because my grandchildren are a part of this present generation of children.

This week I will be telling the story of Abraham and his dream of founding a nation. God reaffirms it again and again as his understanding of it grows and matures. In proverbs God’s word teaches us that where there is no vision the people perish. And in Acts we see that we can tell our vision to someone, and they may be able to tell our future. I really want our children to understand how they can dream God’s dream for their life. It is something they are going to need time and again to really be renewed.  In fact, it is something we are all going to need in our lives.

Join us this Sunday in person or online at 10:30 AM; you will be inspired!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White