Easter Sunday

The whole world needs Easter in 2023!  Every grandparent should bring their grandchildren to an Easter service this year. Sometime in the future our grandchildren will have to contend with loss, loneliness, and grief as their loved ones pass away. Why not make it a priority that they celebrate Easter this year to lay a foundation for their own mountain-moving faith.

How many people are struggling with grief right now? Help is available if everyone could just reconsider the claims of Jesus Christ.  Because Jesus has good news for us.  My dad used to continually say, "What if death is not the end but instead, is just a beginning?".  He had almost died during his birth in New Meadows, Idaho on February 14th, 1932.  This contributed to his thought that he was living life backward. He used to say, "What if this life is just the kindergarten for the real thing after death that would last for Eternity?". 

We all miss someone, and Easter is a time to balance grief with the greatest news ever announced. The Kingdom of heaven is coming and its power begins right now as we follow Jesus Christ.

I miss my dad, Pastor David Gerszeyne, Elling Halvorson, Connie Wahlin, Jack Tuttle, Jean McVay, Gary Carlberg, John Eaton, John Hosley, and the list goes on and on. I don't do any of them good if all I have is sorrow on Sunday.  But we have more than just discouragement this Easter, we have a promise of eternal life.

Great praise music from our amazing Easter band. A garden of flowers and waterfall all around us as we worship.  Tiny kids carrying flowers to the altar, a dramatic replacement of the first Easter in all of its excitement and beauty, a powerful positive message for 10 minutes- which will be my last Easter sermon. Dynamic worship will be led by Seattle Opera soprano Ellaina Lewis, and our worship leaders- Eliot Stone and Chelsea Maitland- harmonizing new tunes that glorify Jesus.

It’s going to be a great event and you are invited at 10:30 AM this Sunday . Either in-person or online.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

P.S. Don’t forget Maltby Cafe cinnamon rolls and a spectacular Easter Egg hunt for the children.

So let's celebrate this Easter!