
Happy Friday, Church!

As we continue our sermon series, Salt and Light, we are diving into the passage in Matthew 5 that talks about salt this week. I love the Message version that says, 13 “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth.”

I believe that the more we learn to be the people God created us to be- not who our communities, society, our insecurities, the media, etc. tells us to be- but who God created us to be, the more we can live into our “saltiness”.

That being said, I want to share with you one of my favorite sermons of all time by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil. If you read these or know me, you know I talk about her often- and I think once you listen to this sermon you’ll see why. In her sermon, “My Friend Sam”, Dr. Brenda unpacks the way society viewed and shaped the Samaritan woman at the well and how Jesus disarms those views and meets her -and us- when we least expect it. Ready to heal us and send us.

My prayer for you, reader, is that you listen to this sermon and find that the Holy Spirit meets with you when you least expect it- healing you and sending you in the same way Jesus healed and sent the Samaritan woman. May it be so Jesus.

The Woman At The Well by Brenda Salter McNeil - YouTube

See you Sunday morning at 10:30 in-person or online friends,

Chelsea Maitland
Worship Leader