Hello Church!
This Sunday Pastor Linda is continuing our sermon series titled, Salt and Light, and she will be diving into Mark 10- when Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me”. It feels fitting to write about this as I gear up to transition out of Washington Cathedral and say, “See ya soon” to all of the wonderful folks at Washington Cathedral and I’ll tell you why.
I have learned a lot about little kids over the last 4 years and one of the most helpful, and important things I’ve learned about raising toddlers is that the more I can say “yes” to them, the more connected we will be. If I’m constantly saying, “NO! STOP! Don’t touch that!” toddlers feel discouraged, and I feel mean. But if I can say, “Why don’t you come over here and play with this?” or “Do you want to help me cook dinner?”. I’m saying yes to them, and they feel connected to me- and I to them.
What I love about this passage is that all these adults- Jesus’ bffs- are reprimanding the littles for coming right for Jesus. They’re saying, “No! Stop! Don’t touch him!”
And Jesus says, “Hey! Yes! Let them come! Let them feel like they are a part of this- because they are. They belong. They are loved. They will inherit the Kingdom of God.”
We can learn a lot about this. Jesus is saying to us- God’s children- “Yes! You can come! Join me! You get to be a part of this. You belong. You are loved.”
What an adventure! What an opportunity for us. What a joy.
If I can leave you with anything friends, let it be this: say yes to Jesus. Just watch what happens in your life, when you ask God to meet with you. To reveal Godself to you. To speak with you.
It is truly, amazing.
You are loved. You belong. Whoever you are, you are loved.
Peace be with you church, and I’ll see you Sunday!
Chelsea Maitland
Worship Leader