The Power Within

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” - Mark 4:35

I don’t believe in Boredom! My mom would say that all the time and she was radical about it. In a world that God created everything in spectacular fashion, life is a precious gift there is no time for boredom. My mom would say if you were bored you are lazy!

Jesus was a breath of fresh air everywhere he went. After a hard day he suggests to his disciples, let’s go someplace new, refreshing, motivating. Let’s go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. So, they did! They hopped in a boat and other boats followed; as a group they were on the move to the other side of the Lake. While on the way a huge storm came up. Everyone thought they were going to die until someone pointed out Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat. When they woke him. He stood up and said, “peace be still” and the storm immediately calmed down.

Life was an adventure with Jesus around. There is no room for boredom when Jesus is around. And where is he? Right here with you!

What if I told you that the answer to all our problems is right here beside us? Maybe the most startling news ever announced is that God is not 90 billion light years away but instead is right here waiting for your sincere relationship with him. 

This week our dynamic Pastor Mark is preaching on the Power Within. Don’t miss it.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White