How's your heart looking?

Written by Pastor Tim White I say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love is genuine. 2 Corinthians 8:8
What an insightful verse. The Bible has so much to say about love. God is love (1 John 4:7-8). Love is the greatest (1 Corinthians 13). You will know you are a Christian if you love your brothers and sisters in Christ (theme of 1 John). But here the apostle Paul is saying when God’s love really happens it causes a chain reaction, which is unavoidable. Like an atomic Bomb. Can you imagine standing next to an atomic bomb blast and someone running up to you exclaiming what happened and you said, “I didn’t notice anything”? That is ridiculous. When Christ’s love happens it is unmistakable, it is a love you cannot resist.
This morning I woke up early. After I let my dog out, and I was surprised to see my grandson, Elijah, sitting reading on the chair in the family room. I asked, “Elijah what time did you wake up? He replied, “Oh, about 7:30.” “It’s not about 7:30 yet,” I chuckled looking at the clock. He shrugged, “I don't know… All I know is when I tried to wake up my mom and dad they said they were still sleeping.”
Knowing that they are leaving in a week for Dallas, I smiled and asked Elijah if he would like to sneak out for a cinnamon roll with G.P. He thought about it for a moment. When he responded he told me he would have to ask his mom and dad because he’s not really a sneaky guy. I teased back, “You're not?” With a serious look on his face he answered, “I could be, but I have chosen not to be - I think it is just better that way.” So he asked his parents for permission and then we went to get him a cinnamon roll with their blessing.
When we got back Grandma met us at the door and greeted us, “My two boys sure have sparkling eyes.” We did, Elijah’s eyes were twinkling because we just had a lot of fun. My eyes are twinkling because I have a grandson who loves his parents so much that he chooses not to be sneaky guy. The love that he has been taught and shown is unmistakable, unavoidable, indisputable, it is a love you can't resist.
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