
The Beauty of Our Diversity


In the book of Acts, we see a young, thriving Church just trying to figure out this new way of following Jesus within their culture. They were committed to this Way and because of that, it grew. A lot. One of the most overlooked reasons for the growth of the early Church was their diversity. Throughout the New Testament, we see a very diverse church. Diverse in their thinking, personalities and even beliefs of how they understood the Church to function. Yet, despite their diversity, arguments and disagreements, there was unity - because they kept their focus on Jesus and the mission he bestowed upon them as his followers.

There's real beauty in our diversity as a church. But only when there's unity, too. These are days when politics and culture can and in some instances are dividing the church. Friends, we have to do everything we can in these important days to be united, rather than divided. We can learn to embrace and celebrate our differences, while still displaying the beauty and wonder of the gospel. It's really possible!

How can we better unite ourselves with those who are different than us?

Stop worrying about who's right or who's wrong...

Seek to discover some commonalities and grow in those...

Join with them to serve others who are less fortunate...

Remember that love and grace are central to our faith. Practice them daily...


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Rex