The Joy of Sowing Seeds

The Incredible Joy of sowing seeds

  • Ecclesiastes 11:6. Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. ...

Life is about sowing seeds.  Some of the most exciting times in my life were after I had planted a seed. When I was a kid my family had a large garden. And my parents allowed my brother Jim and I to help plant.  The same thing happened with both my grandparents.  What excitement it was to plant the magic seeds and to watch them grow up until we could harvest them.  Every family seemed to have a family garden in those days.

But that was just the beginning of sowing seeds.  To hand in a report and wait to see if your teacher liked it was really fun. When I practiced my French horn or prepared for a big game I always had this holy expectation that something really good could come out of this investment.  Waiting to find out which college I was going to go to.  Or listening to our daughter practice for her piano.

Life is exciting when you have had the faith to sow some seeds.  Our motivation is deflated when we don’t have the faith to ever plant a seed.

Let’s learn together a profound truth from scripture about the miracle of planting seeds this Sunday at 10:30 am

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

The Blessings of Rest

Hello Church!

This week Pastor Mark Nsimbi is preaching on the spiritual discipline of practicing the Sabbath- a day of rest. Pastor Mark is titling his sermon, "The Blessings of Rest". What a blessing rest is, isn't it? I will admit- resting is a challenge for me these days. I often say I don't regret any meeting, appointment, or obligation I waited to get ready for until the very last minute because I was sleeping in, or just resting- because then I had kids. And I had to learn how to rest in the midst of being "unrested". I'm still learning of course, so I'm going to let you in on some of my journey.

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith wrote a book called Sacred Rest, which dives into her research about seven types of rest that impact many of her patients. She is a physician, an author, a motivational speaker, and a mom- amongst many other roles, I'm sure.

On her website, there is a frequently-taken test called the "Rest Quiz". I took the quiz, and I'll admit I scored very, very badly. But I have a wonderfully clear understanding of my "rest deficits", as Dr. Dalton-Smith calls them. The quiz is a series of questions to monitor the seven categories of rest you are receiving- or not receiving. And, after taking the test you receive a score and a description of each category. Here is what was sent to me after taking the quiz:

"Congratulations on taking the first step on your journey to finding the rest you need!

In my book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, I share about these seven types of rest I found lacking in many patients and how rest impacts every part of our lives:

Physical: The chance to use the body in restorative ways to decrease muscle tension, reduce headaches, and promote higher quality sleep.

Mental: The ability to quiet cerebral chatter and focus on things that matter.

Spiritual: The capacity to experience God in all things and recline in the knowledge of the Holy.

Emotional: The freedom to authentically express feelings and eliminate people-pleasing behaviors.

Social: The wisdom to recognize relationships that revive from ones that exhaust and how to limit exposure to toxic people.

Sensory: The opportunity to downgrade the endless onslaught of sensory input received from electronics, fragrances, and background noise.

Creative: The experience of allowing beauty to inspire awe and liberate wonder. 

Below are your personal rest deficit assessment results. Use these results to help you see which types of rest you already excel at and which ones you need to focus on improving.”

As I read over my quiz results I found that each score resonated on a deep level for me. Life is full of joy and wonder- and it's also full of struggle, grief, and stress. I love that she describes the Spiritual rest section as, "The capacity to experience God in all things". You know what is so precious? That God gave us the capacity to experience God. God is always speaking over us, interacting with us, and speaking to us. God even created a day for us to stop everything we are doing, so we can rest. 

On Sunday we'll explore the biblical meaning of the Sabbath and talk about the holiness that is just simply slowing down to reflect and connect with God. 

If you are like me and need a little extra help slowing down, here is a resource for you from Dr. Dalton-Smith's Worship Therapy podcast:

Worship Therapy Archives - Dr. Dalton-Smith - I Choose My Best Life

I hope it blesses you as you practice resting.

See you Sunday,

Chelsea Maitland

An Iron-Pillar Discipline

How to regain your strength by speeding up!

Pastor Mark and I are enjoying a sermon series on making room for God.  Spiritual Disciplines from the life of Jesus are the method for us to forge a life like Jesus in the midst of the modern complexities that we struggle with today.

When we get frenzied, we pick up our pace sometimes- dropping our efficiency.  And we need to make a lifestyle of slowing down so that God can catch up, as Pastor Mark puts it.  As they say, "slow is smooth and smooth is fast".

But in this world of post-Covid burnout, it seems the whole world is burned out and moving slow. Perhaps sometimes we need to catch up with God.  Not moving or being stuck on the non-moving treadmill that has trapped and fatigued so many, is just not effective at finding space where we can meet God. 

This demonstrates the wisdom of spiritual disciplines. We need to slow down- or find the strength to speed up- to display the effectiveness of God as we live our lives. God has an answer for every dilemma. 

This weekend I am going to tempt you with establishing an iron-pillar-discipline into your life: daily quiet time. 

What if you could invest 60 minutes of your time this week to acquire a habit for your life, that would help find the strength to speed up and the wisdom to slow down all to make room for God.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn something that will be a blessing to your loved ones for generations.

Join us at 10:30 am at our inspirational sanctuary or online at the same time on Sunday.  God is going to bless us this weekend.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

Slowing Down

My 2023 New Year's resolution is to only eat candy one day a week. Which will work out perfectly since we have so much Christmas candy laying around- my candy-breakfast, candy-lunch, and candy-dinner will get rid of that in no time. 

(Stole that joke from Eliot.)

I tend to get a large number of emails from 24 Hour Fitness right before the new year encouraging me to start up a membership with them again. I remember when I first joined, they told me they have all kinds of discounts in January because so many people join in the new year- and then by February the number of people actually using the gym drastically drops.  

There sure is a lot of pressure to have a New Year's resolution, isn't there? Add another activity, hobby, diet, job, etc. to your schedule and your life and expect to see it all the way through the year. 

On Sunday Pastor Mark Nsimbi is going to dive into Luke, chapter 10 to kick-off our new sermon series on spiritual disciplines: Creating Space for God. Mark will help us unpack the story of Mary and Martha. When Jesus visits their home Martha is busy and working hard to be hospitable to Jesus- and she actually gets frustrated at Mary, because Mary isn't helping Martha. Mary is just sitting and listening to what Jesus is saying. She's just...being in the presence of Jesus. To which Jesus encourages Martha to slow down and listen to him like Mary. 

Maybe we do have New Year's resolutions that require making more time for exercise, learning new things, or getting better at something- and we can do those things if we carve out time for them. But maybe also we can just carve out time to be in the presence of Jesus like Mary. And what would that look like? Would it be going for a walk? Listening to worship music? Praying or writing? Or maybe it would be just listening, like Mary? 

Mark says in his sermon summary that it's actually the slowing down that will allow us to process our inner journey, therefore helping us to keep from anxiety and worry. 

Let's start with Sunday. We'll worship together, pray together, and listen to the teachings of Jesus together. 

We'd love to have you. 

See you 10:30am in our sanctuary or online. 

Peace be with you,

Chelsea Maitland

Happy New Year Washington Cathedral! Chelsea Maitland here.

Tomorrow morning we will hear from Pastor Tim White- who will preach from Galatians 5 and teach us about freedom in Christ and being in-step with the Holy Spirit.

When I initially read Galatians 5 I think about the book of Leviticus. I won't lie to you- Leviticus has a lot of what looks like rules. But what I learned about the rules in Leviticus is that they are God teaching God's people, how to be God's people. I love this passage in Leviticus 26 from the Message: It says, 11-13 “I’ll set up my residence in your neighborhood; I won’t avoid or shun you; I’ll stroll through your streets. I’ll be your God; you’ll be my people. I am God, your personal God who rescued you from Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians. "

"I will set up my residence in your neighborhood!" Not only did God rescue the Israelites but now God is saying to them, I'm going to teach you how to be my people and I will live among you. 

When we talk about Galatians 5 I think about Leviticus because Galatians 5 is about following the way of Jesus and not the way of ourselves- and the freedom that comes in giving-up our own way and following Jesus.

God teaches us how to be God's people. And God gives us the Holy Spirit to be among us- and "set-up residence in our neighborhoods." Let us find freedom in Jesus by loving one-another and being in-step with the Holy Spirit through the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Peace be with you,


Wow what a sensational Christmas! 

Merry Christmas everyone. I feel so much love for our church family this time of year. Forty-nine years of being a pastor just touches my heart with how short life is and how very, very, precious it is. Merry Christmas! I think I already said that but don’t you just love saying Merry Christmas to everyone? Our Christmas Eve service at 4:00 pm should work tomorrow as they are predicting warmer temperatures. This is my last chance to tell the Christmas story and I am stoked!!!  The children of our church are cuter than ever and we want to make the real meaning of Christmas better than ever for them. Interactive manger scene with live animals they can pet- and live Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and wisemen.  The cookie room is decorated the best it’s ever been with a hot chocolate bar, eggnog, amazing coffee and tea plus the best part: your friends all here together.  Watch our website in case there is a weather change that we have to close. But we will be online no matter what!  And breakfast Sunday- Christmas morning- as well as Dr. Rey Diaz preaching.  Christmas is going to be sensational! And did I tell you from the bottom of my heart? Merry Christmas!

See you at 4pm for our Christmas Eve service and 11am Christmas morning (10:15 if you want breakfast!)

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

As I was looking for Christmas music arrangements this year Eliot introduced me something called Reawaken Hymns- a resource that helps worship leaders incorporate hymns into their worship set. One Reawaken Hymns song we are playing on Christmas Eve- and it's from an album called, The Soul Felt It's Worth. 

That title moved me. I have sung Christmas hymns my whole life- caroling, in worship services, in the car, to my kids, etc. But I've never paid close attention to the lyrics. In "O Holy Night" the very first verse says, "Long lay the world/ In sin and error pining/ 'Til he appeared and the soul felt its worth". 

Isn't that joy? To be doing life in our own way, on our own time, doing what's best for ourselves- sin and error pining- and then insert Jesus. Insert belonging. Insert selflessness. Insert love. Insert joy in the midst of even suffering. Insert following Jesus.

You see, Advent is not just a few weeks of singing Christmas songs and decorating our Christmas trees. Advent is about the anticipation of Jesus coming to be with us. It's a time that we get to prepare our hearts and remember that God Emanuel, meaning God with us, came to be with us in the flesh. A time for us to remember that God loves us so much, that God would literally send Jesus, God's son, to live among us. What joy. What belonging. What love. 

The soul felt its worth. 

Do you know your worth? Do you know the joy of your worth in Jesus? 

Tomorrow is week 4 of Advent: Joy. Pastor Mark Nsimbi is going to teach us about the biblical meaning of joy and distinguishing joy from happiness. He says, "The true source of joy is God himself! Our joy comes from God and is rooted in the salvation we receive from Christ."

Let heaven and nature sing about that!

See you tomorrow at 10:30am in our sanctuary, or on Facebook Live, YouTube, and our church app.

May the peace and joy of the Lord be upon you,

Chelsea Maitland

Christmas Love

Can you really do Christmas without love?  I think the greatest Christmas scripture of all is John 3:16-17:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

Another great one is john 15:12. This statement again by Jesus is what Christmas is all about:

"This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you."

Don’t you think that every grandma at Christmas time is saying this as she visits with her family?

If you want to increase the love factor in your life and family, then join us at Washington Cathedral at 10:30 am this Sunday. I promise you that if you are open that God will do his work and fill your life with Christmas love.

Your friend for the rest of my life, 

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Pastor Tim White

Peace on earth and goodwill to all! If this passage in Luke 2:14 was the only thing I knew about God I would become a Christian. The angels are God’s messengers, and this message of peace is sorely needed today.

The war in the Ukraine is devastating. Not only have thousands been killed but many have had to flee their homes and join the armies. Families are waiting without power and waiting to see if the next missel will strike them. What kind of person dares to dream of peace on earth? Only God.

When I read the stories of violence and murder in our community it is deeply concerning. Yet Jesus' birth was announced by the vision of Peace on Earth. I have spent 48 years being a full-time pastor and doing counseling. I can't count the number of marriages and families broken up because of our human inability to handle conflict the way that Jesus taught us. As humans we have a predisposition to poor conflict resolution skills. We need peace on earth and Good will to all.

This week we are going to have a professional counselor share in an interview about what her secrets are to helping busy, stressed-out people like us experience peace. And Pastor Mark will be sharing a powerful message on the peace of Christmas. I hope you can make it. Come and see the new Christmas decorations this year.

Our service of course is at 10:30 Sunday morning at 10:30 am in-person and online.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Advent starts this Sunday, and for centuries Christians all over the world have observed advent in their pre-Christmas literature. It was not started by the early church because unlike Easter we don’t even know what time of year that was. But it has been an important teaching moment to remind us or teach us the whole message of Christmas. This Sunday I will begin the series with the candle of hope. I have a couple of extra special surprises for you if you choose to come worship in-person or online with us.

I know you will be astonished and lifted by the services this week. Our music has been getting better and better all the time. And that is splendid because we want those worshiping with us to so be close to God that we all can’t help but be empowered to live the amazing life that God has planned for each of us. We will see you there.

Free Eastern Washington eggnog for those who wish.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White