This week Pastor Mark Nsimbi is going to wrap up our series on the Lord’s Prayer. What a joy it has been for Pastor Mark to be a part of our team. We are not waiting for a year-and-a half (March 2024) until Mark begins to use his innovative gifts. Already God is working through Mark’s soul to help us implicate creative change. One of the big points is to rebuild the prayer life of our church to be better than ever. The sermon series on prayer is coming to a close but the world-shaking prayer life of our church is just getting started.
”Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” is going to be at the target of Marks message. And yes- it is a message we all can benefit from.
God has made it possible to win- over evil- in our lives. So don’t miss this week, this message, this word.
You will be lifted.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
The Lord’s Prayer teaches us to really live. I think all of us who read this blog are living? If you are reading this and you are not alive, then maybe you should check to see if you are in heaven! Forgive my weird sense of humor- but I'm trying to make a point. There is living- which everyone does- then, there is what I am going to call really living!
In our church Namuli, Violet, Owen, Nassali and Micah really live. Every time I am around those amazing kids their capacity to live just lifts my soul. Maybe that is why Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” I really can’t express how completely those kids are bringing renewal into my life and our church.
Jesus teaches us this powerful way of living through the Lord’s Prayer by describing how to reach out and pull towards the force of life every day. And how to deal with the drag which inhibits our capacity to really live.
I have the honor of teaching these principles this Sunday in my message on the Lord’s Prayer.
Won’t you join us and explore the pull toward real living versus the drag which holds so many back.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
Unseen good news is happening right now.
Pastor Mark Nsimbi will be teaching from the Lord’s Prayer this weekend in our series, "Rooted in Prayer".
There is a force behind events in this world that very few see. It is the need inside every human heart for the Kingdom of God. Abraham Maslow discovered something called the Hierarchy of Needs. What Is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? It's a theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual's behavior. Those needs are physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.
In other words, basic needs are built into our biological being and they will be fulfilled by the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the power and community of God transforming real people in a real way. When we live forever it will be with the Kingdom of God. But heaven touches our lives now as we discover that God's way is the best way. Treachery, greed, looking out for #1 is not the best way to have those needs met for ourselves or our families. God's way is the only way to realize His Kingdom in our lives.
I am so excited to hear from the heart of Pastor Mark as he teaches us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Won’t you join us?
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
I am so excited to share with you how God will answer 100% of your prayers. Pastor Mark challenged me that we need to lead with our prayer ministry in rebuilding Washington Cathedral. Pastor Jackie challenged us to preach a sermon series on being rooted in prayer. And here it comes right at you: a fresh renewal of prayer in your life.
Do you want to be at the heart of a great work of God? Come to church this weekend to begin a dynamic Bible study on prayer. It’s going to be a new beginning and I promise all of you that we will see some miracles happen before our very own eyes. Jesus was waiting for His followers to really listen and they only asked for one thing: teach us to pray.
Jesus answered them in the Lord's Prayer. It is the climax to the only full sermon that we have from Jesus. What a joy to kick-off this series.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
Every once-in-a-while the same pastor we're used to suddenly changes right before our eyes. Some call it an anointing. That phrase refers to the ritual of anointing. The word "anointing" in Hebrew means literally, "to smear". If you have ever gotten a pie in the face then you have been anointed. When a person was anointed in the Old Testament, right before they became a king or a prophet they didn't just get a drop of olive oil- they got smeared with oil. Oil running down their face, dropping off, covered with oil. In the New Testament this referred to the Holy Spirit pouring over an individual. You might say, "They're on fire!".
Well I hope you make time to worship with us on line or in person because you will have the opportunity of seeing Pastor Mark on fire! When Jackie and I listened to Pastor Mark we applauded, and Jackie said, "I wish everyone in America could hear that message, Pastor Mark."
It is a privilege to take part in a pastor being anointed for a special message. To hear excitement in their voice and see fire in their heart. Please join us this Sunday at 10:30 at the Cathedral by the talks or join us online so you can feel the hope in his voice and accept the strength of the biblical message and join in a very anointed message.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
Out of shame, and into “A Life of Freedom”
I think one of my favorite jokes is about the "Insecure Lion". He was raised in comparisons, shame, and guilt- so he just didn't possess freeing, liberating, confidence.
One day he was walking through the jungle and he saw a mouse. He ran up to it placing one paw over it and shouted, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The mouse was afraid for its life so it returned with the answer, "Why- you are- Mr. Lion, sir. You are The Royal King."
The lion said, "Well you got that right! You may continue on."
Then the insecure lion spotted an antelope bouncing through the jungle. The lion jumped- and tackled the antelope- and held his claws to the neck of the antelope. The antelope was shaking as it answered, "Why, you are, Your Royal Highness." The lion smiled, "Good, you may be on your way." So the lion smiled, holding his head high and proud.
Finally, the lion came face-to-face with a giant elephant on the path. The lion bellowed, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The massive elephant towered above the lion, and he didn’t give an answer. He just rocked back and forth on his padded feet- as if he were trying to think. He reached his trunk down and lifted up the lion while blasting his trumpet throughout the jungle. Then he slammed the lion on the ground. The lion got up feeling really ashamed and said to the elephant, "Just because you didn’t know the answer doesn’t mean you have to get so mad!"
One issue with religion that strikes discord for me is insecurity and shame. I think every religion has this element of incongruity, which surprises us from time-to-time.
Authentic faith in Jesus Christ is beautiful. It's freeing, bridge-building, peaceful, facilitates kindness, and its just... beautiful. It really is. Yet we see people burdened by guilt and shame. Individuals who are stressed out because they never quite measure up.
This week Pastor Mark Nsimbi is preaching from Galatians, chapter 5, on "Life of Freedom". What a liberating message for us to enjoy this week.
Join us at 10:30 Sunday morning in-person or online via Youtube, Facebook Live, or our church app.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
Washington Cathedral Anniversary
After one service I saw some of my favorite people getting a piano lesson by one of our worship leaders, Chelsea Maitland. Namuli was there with one of her buddies, Violet. Chelsea's sons were there of course waiting their turn and Nassali was trying to join in also. These are some of my favorite new people and we are so excited to see who they will become, and how we can build our church to support them as they live out God's fabulous plan for their lives. I call that prayer and growth project Legacy.
All of us who have been here at the Cathedral pray that all of the work, sacrifice, and miracles, are directed into the church that will be rising up under the leadership of Mark and Anne Nsimbi.
38 years of the Washington Cathedral adventure and I can hardly believe it. For me it is at least 48 years of being a full-time pastor. But this coming Sunday is not about the past as much as it is about preparing for a splendid future- for our part of the local church- on the Eastside of the greater Seattle area.
Join us this Sunday for a celebration of what God has done and is getting ready to do within our beloved church.
I am going to be sharing a message from Galatians chapter 5 on Spirit life in the church- but my sermon title is, "Legacy". Following the service we'll have bounce-houses for the kids, great music with Vanessa Love visiting us, a vote on the senior pastor of our church and the new board of directors, a presentation of fiscal information, and of course- an anniversary cake. Worship will be from 10:30am to 11:30am, and the annual meeting will be from 11:30am to 12pm.
We would really love your attendance on this all-important Sunday. We can’t vote online yet so the vote will be in-person.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
I just love the story of the Prodigal Son. I know I say that about so many Bible stories- but this weekend pastor Mark Nsimbi is preaching about the Prodigal Son, and I am excited. I want to tell Jesus, "You had me at the 'Prodigal Son' story." A copy of the painting, Return of the Prodigal Son, by Rembrandt, is on the wall of our daughter and son-in-law- Elise and Rey’s home. What a masterpiece! The dark emotional colors emphasize the bright story in the faces of the characters.
Yes, I really, really love the story of the Prodigal Son. Because…well, I am the prodigal son. I'm not afraid to admit it because it’s true.
I wanted to go it on my own without God. As if I were saying, "Give me everything coming to me- I can do this without you, God." And yes, it all fell through. The resources ran out and the fair-weather friends didn’t last.
As the story goes, the youngest son is too ashamed to ask for help- so he gets a job taking care of the hogs and then falls into the muck. Yea, that’s me: finally embarrassed and ashamed to go back to God to ask for a second chance. Too afraid even to hope for love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Walk towards God's place and there He is, waiting outside for my return. God runs to me and hugs me. He puts his ring on my finger, his coat on my shoulders, and invites me to His party. I admit it: that is me.
But I'm not just the youngest son in the story. I’m the self-important eldest son also. I worked hard for what I’ve got. I don’t want God to waste His time and money on the broken- they deserve what they have because of the poor choices they made. That’s me too!
And the truth of the matter is, it’s you also.
So why wouldn’t I be excited to hear Pastor Mark Nsimbi teach this weekend about how Jesus brings us together in celebration of His healing? About how God heals us broken-people and teaches us to be a Holy Spirit-filled community, of God's Kingdom of love?
You're going to love this one. Join us at 10:30 Sunday morning in-person or online via YouTube, Facebook Live, or our church app . What a life-giving moment it’s going to be.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
A Spark From Heaven
What a great time to be alive!
I am filled with such excitement as we prepare our pastoral staff for the coming year. October 2022 to October 2023. Is going to be an outstanding year in our lives.
Pastor Mark and I are continuing the series, Rekindle The Fire Within You. It’s my turn this week and we are studying Acts 1:1-9: a preview of the Holy Spirit’s work in Acts as well as your future. This week’s title is, “A Spark From Heaven”.
The spark of encouragement that you need is sent from heaven. The miracle-working love that you need to break through all the barriers facing you is from heaven.
When I was in college in the 1970’s, many of my friends were world class athletes who enjoyed R&B soul music. So the love song when Jackie and I fell in love was, “It’s Too Late to Turn Back Now” by the Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose. And I love Marvin Gaye’s song which goes like this,
“Oh, heaven must have sent you from above
Oh, heaven must have sent your precious love (oh)
And I, I've got a song to sing (oh, darling)
Tellin' the world about the joy you bring (oh, sweet heart)
And you gave me a reason for livin' (oh, honey)
And ooh, you taught me, you taught me the meaning of givin”
There is a lot more to this love song, but the point is that in the gospel roots of Marvin Gaye comes from this idea that Heaven must have “sent your love”.
That’s true, and it’s a great lens to help us understand Acts 1:1-9. In a few days in Jerusalem you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings God’s work into our lives. When someone sings, “heaven must have sent your love”, they are right.
Let’s open the window into your life from Heaven to let some fresh air and sunshine in and begin to do the work. I really think you are going to be blessed by the worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 AM either in-person at our Sanctuary in Redmond or online.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White
"Running Towards Freedom"
You can run away from your problems and they'll catch you later or you can run towards an atmosphere of freedom and experience positivity. When you confess your mistakes to God, you allow God to give you a new edge on your mistakes because everything is out in the open.
Kids learn to lie when the punishment from telling the truth is greater than the lie. Running away can seem like the safest thing to do, but we all know that the truth often has consequences. But it is so freeing and empowering to confess our mistakes to God and our closest spiritual guides. There, the aim is restoration and to end the power of hidden unconfessed sin in our life.
You can never grow or get better until you can publicly admit you are wrong and set a plan to make your heart right. It’s just repeated mistakes until that time. That’s where pastor Mark Nsimbi’s sermon comes in this weekend from Psalm 51, "Running Towards Freedom".
My Grandpa White used to tell the true story of a boy who grew up in the cattle country around Joseph, Oregon. When he was old enough he moved out of his parents' home and started to run with the wrong crowd of cowboys. He started carousing with bad influences in his life. He thought he was discovering his real self but as almost anyone in town could tell - he was instead discovering his worst self.
Soon he and some of his friends made a plan to rob the Joseph city bank. He was a kid among the older bank robbers. They all had spent time in prison and he was the naive one taken in by all their talk. When they robbed Joseph bank they knew there wasn’t much law there. In fact they knew the sheriff and his deputy were out of town for the day. But what they failed to recognize was that this little cattle town had seven saloons full of hard working cowboys. So when they came out of the bank with the banks' money there were loads of hard working cowboys coming out of their saloons and they shot the bandits up. He was shot in the thumb and was the only one to make it out alive with the money. The posse chased him all the way to Nevada but he got away. He had such a great childhood in Joseph Oregon that the Holy Spirit started to convict him that what the new-him had done, was wrong.
So he came back to Joseph and returned the money to his neighbors and friends. After spending time in prison he got out to get a job at a neighbors' ranch and then worked at the bank he had robbed. Eventually this friend of my Grandpa was so entrusted by the cattlemen in the valley that they voted him as the bank president of the very bank he had robbed as a young man. He and Grandpa have long since died but once-a-week the town reenacts the bank robbery and the shoot-out for tourists so that they can also celebrate in the power of confession and friendship.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30am in-person or online as pastor Mark Nsimbi brings a fresh perspective to our church story, and teaches from Psalm 51: “Running Towards Freedom".
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White