Never a Wasted Moment - By Pastor Michael Fernandez

Frequently in our lives we fall into the “Woe is Me Syndrome.” Why is God letting this happen to me? Why now? In our society these days we want to have all the answers and sometimes the answers are just not there. We think we are in control, but we really are not.

In my Senior year in High School I can remember running cross country for my school and I was pretty good at it. In fact, nearing the end of the season I was considered either the third or fourth best in the city depending on the length of the race. The shorter the racecourse the better I did. I had been working really hard on my final kick and was getting ready for All District as we approached the last school meet of the year. Warming up for that meet I was tight all over and was having a hard time loosening up.

I wanted to do my best because my dad was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack. Well, as I was stretching for warm up, I pulled my sacroiliac muscle in my lower back. I had to be picked up and laid into my parent’s station wagon. I was taken to the doctors and given a cortisone shot.  For the next week I was flat on my back all the time.

And with one week left before the District Meet, I started to do some training in the pool at school.  Here I had run at least 15 miles a day for a year in preparation for my Senior year and ultimately the coming District Meet, then the All City Meet. I didn’t even know if the doctors would let me participate. I was devastated. Why did this happen to me?

I eventually ran the race and stayed up in the front of the pack for about half the race, but my legs gave out and felt like rubber. I finished 51st in the pack of about 300 runners instead of third, second or first. That was a tough day for me.  My coach tried to tell me it was a victory for me just finishing, but I had none of that at the time.

I wasn’t a Christian then and I wanted to know why this happened to me?

Fortunately, the experience got me thinking and searching for my purpose in life and eventually lead me to a personal relationship with Jesus.

I understand now that God uses everything that happens to us, and he does not waste anything.  Our Father is with you and has chosen you.

I encourage you during these challenging times in our history, to listen to Joshua, “be strong, courageous, and lean into God.”

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . .”  — Joshua 24:15 NIV

 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9 NIV 

Join us Sunday at 10:25am as Pastor Rey Diaz brings us another sermon in the series “How Not to Waste This Crazy Season” with his insights into “Keys to Facing the Future.” Bring a notepad as he makes some great observations.

It will be the first Sunday in Advent, so we have a special treat for you.