The Twinkle of Christmas Joy!

By Pastor Jackie White

Oh, the twinkling joy of Christmas playing hide and seek with me in my personal devotional time. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s like my youngest grandchild peeking around the corner dressed for snow play, holding a snowball, hoping that our eyes will meet. 

I sat at my desk earlier this morning feeling uninspired but desiring to open, once again, the channel of Christmas with the help of the Holy Spirit. As I prayed, I first asked for Christmas peace. Then phone calls began to invade my time. Calls from my children and grandchildren all wanting to share stories with me. How blessed Tim and I  are to be able to hear from them, calling to stir up our God-blessed friendship.

The last one says “goodbye for now”, and my Bible is open to 1 Peter 5:7 “Give all your worries to God because he cares for you.”  There it is - “Merry Christmas, Jesus!”  That’s just what I needed to hear. For me it’s a command which I wholeheartedly accept and will call on time and time again in order to feel the peace God has for me as his daughter.

Won’t you join me as we allow the stream of Christmas Peace to begin to flow into our hearts from a hidden place, near to the heart of God?  Ready, close your eyes and see that playful child sneaking up on you filled with delight and then we whisper to Jesus together, “that is me Jesus because I am a carpenter’s daughter.”

Fill every day with the astonishing Peace of Christmas.

This Sunday, Pastor Rey Diaz will be wrapping up his series with a message on “Keeping God at the Center.” Be sure to grab your journal or iPad and join us on at 10:25am on Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or our Washington Cathedral website or App. This message will enlighten your understanding in a healthy, new way. 
See you Sunday!