by Tim White
Acts 1:8 Jesus says: “When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will receive power
to talk about him to the whole world.”
What a vision Jesus gave us both here and in the Great Commission. We are going to be able break through barriers and communicate with the whole world. In those days it was us and them; Romans or Barbarians - Jews or Gentiles. This all or nothing thinking gripped the world with war, slavery, and all manner of crimes against humanity. But Jesus saw beyond this dilapidated view of life. He wanted to replace blame, shame and comparison thinking. Comparison thinking is the only way most people think. An example of this “in the box” thinking is that I can lift myself only by proving how bad everyone else is by comparison. Jesus taught us the dignity of all creation. He taught us the way of love and with spiritual power we can communicate better.
The other morning Jackie walked into the living room all bright eyed and bushy tailed. She had energy, a sparkle in her eye, and a teasing smile on her face. I responded to how renewed she was by a night’s sleep by saying “wow! you look fun this morning.” She looked at me and said, “Why would you say something like that?” I asked, “What do you mean?” She said, “Why would you say wow, you look like chum.” We both laughed when we realized our communication foible. We all could use more spiritual power to communicate.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White