The Lord is my Light

By Rhonda Jones

“The Lord is My Light and my salvation, so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” Psalm 27:1

Today the words of Psalm 27 are very meaningful to me. I’m writing this on the eve of my second shoulder surgery. Three years ago I had to undergo rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder because of a tear I created by trying to be a hero for my husband as I struggled to pull a very heavy yard waste bin up our steep hill....the cart won out and my shoulder lost. It was a tough recovery and I have been very careful with my shoulders ever since.

While getting dressed for church one Sunday in January 2019 I tripped and fell hard, wrenching the left side of my head as it hit my makeup bench with the full impact of my weight. Every vertebrae in my neck adjusted and I lay there thinking I had surely broken it. But I was able to move right away and continued on to serve at church that morning. Now, a year and a half later I have learned that when I fell it wrenched my muscles so violently that I tore my left rotator cuff, plus detached a tendon as well.

I must tell you having had this surgery before, I know too well what I’m getting into. On top of that knowing that I won’t be able to play the piano for some weeks ahead. But I have so much to be thankful for! I could have broken my neck that day - God protected me from serious harm! Six weeks of quiet healing and restoration must be just what I need. I look forward to hearing God speak to my heart during the coming days and share the lessons of love I need to learn. God bless you all, Washington Cathedral! You’ll see me in the coming weeks singing with Eliot. I will play our beloved piano again when I am able.

So, no matter what you are going through, I pray that you remember that the Lord is your fortress. This week Pastor Tim is going to be sharing with us from Psalm 27. Please join us for online worship on Facebook live, our website, our App or on our YouTube channel at 10:30 am on Sunday.

God bless you,

Rhonda Jones
Director of Music
Washington Cathedral