Whiter Than Snow

by Pastor Jackie White

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” Psalm 51:10

Psalm 51 has been an important part of my life, as I have learned to believe that God could truly forgive me of my sins and wash me, whiter than snow. Not that I had done anything horrible in my 15 years before coming to know Jesus as my savior, but God seems to have created me to have a keen sense of right and wrong. Because of God’s unfailing love and compassion for us in sending Jesus to die for our sins, we are made new. We need to go to God with contrite hearts when we have disappointed him. And then, he will create in us a clean heart, and put a new and right spirit in us. We can re-experience the joy of our salvation!

As Tim and I have gone through trials with his health, we have never entertained the “bad theology” of thinking that God is punishing us for our sins. Rather, as we Jesus-followers go through rough patches in life, we can be assured of His love for us, that He is with us and wants the best for us. During this challenge, we are even more thankful for our church family, as we have felt the power of their prayers and appreciate the loving gestures they have provided. As we continue through this time when we need God’s healing of the infection that caused his artificial knee to be removed due to a bad infection, we are full of hope and faith that Tim will be healed. This is another opportunity to work on overall health and lean on God’s promises.

While Tim is immobile, he prays faithfully for our church family. He has sermons stirring in his heart so he will be recording some messages from his “lift chair”. We encourage you to read Psalm 51 to see how it resonates with you. When we repent of our sin, we are made “whiter than show.” No matter how many times we come to the same Scripture reference, it is always a wonder to see how God will reveal something new to us each time. We love you thank you for your continued prayers.

Pastor Jackie White

PS:  Pastor Tim recorded a great message on Psalm 51, you won’t want to miss it this Sunday at 10:30 am.  You can join us for online worship via Facebook Live, You Tube Live, our Washington Cathedral App or on our Website wacathedral.org.