Enduring Love

by Fiona Monaghan

In preparing for this blog I was surprised to find many lines within this Psalm that were familiar as they pop up in many of our worship songs; such as “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good His love endures forever…” that being a popular one.

The two verses I especially liked were verses 6 and 8 “The Lord is for me I will not fear; what can man do to me?" Verse 8 “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." What better words could there be for us in these present days when we are being called continuously to 'trust in men and what they can do for our country’.

When David penned this Psalm, it was at a time he found himself in precarious positions while being pursued by King Saul and his armies. Yet he trusted his God to bring him through to the other side. We get to see in observing history how God's salvation, provision and protection was extended toward David, but at that time, David needed to trust while in the middle of what seemed unending conflict.

We might find ourselves in a similar situation, not seeing a way out or how provision will come. But we have that same promise given to trust and to claim - "The Lord is for me I will not fear; what can man do to me? So, take heart and courage from these words as we move through our daily lives.

Join us on Sunday, September 13th, at 10:25 am via Facebook Live, You Tube Live, on the Wacathedral App, or our website - www.wacathedral.org - as Pastor Tim gives us some much needed encouragement from the 118th Psalm.