P. R. A. Y.

by Rhonda Jones

There’s no doubt about it…these are trying times. So, what can we do to protect our psyche? We need a plan…a moment-by moment plan to combat the negativity that bombards us daily on social media. And what’s the answer? The answer, plain and simple, is a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only vital relationship I know that can destress, renew and give hope and peace to our hearts and minds during these stressful times.

I’ve never really struggled to believe in God; I see His majesty in every part of creation. But I know that some of you do-it’s hard to conceive of a God that exists and cares for you, let alone believe that He could speak to your Spirit. It all comes down to whether or not you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and are willing to open your spirit to the possibility that He will speak to you. We, the staff at Washington Cathedral, do believe the Bible and have learned that God is Spirit, and in order to connect with Him you need to worship Him in spirit and in truth (see John 4:24). That means daily seeking Him and hopefully first thing in the morning (and sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night). I’d be lying to you to say I have that habit down pat…it’s tough making it your first priority each day. But I’ve noticed that when I do, the media reports don’t seem to matter quite as much as they would because when you touch God’s heart, He gives you His ‘Eternal’ perspective on every situation you may face in this life.

So here’s my plan for success in 2021…it’s a simple anagram:

P = Pause

R = Reflect

A = Actively Seek

Y = Yield

Join me on this journey and you will discover as I am that peace is possible in every situation.

Rhonda Jones, Director of Music

PS. Pastor Tim has a great message this week on “Every Comeback Needs a Plan.” Vanessa Love and family will be with us to minister to our hearts in music on this Martin Luther King weekend. Join us online at Facebook Live, You Tube Live, our website or our App. We’d love to see you.